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How Can Your Small Business (SMB) Compete With Big Enterprises? Through A Cloud-based Phone System

September 23rd, 2020 | 5 min. read

By John Taylor

How Can Your Small Business (SMB) Compete With Big Enterprises? Through A Cloud-based Phone System

You’ve heard of the cloud, right? It seems like cloud computing and storage is something we’re all talking about nowadays. Before the cloud was a thing, the best office phone systems were on-premise (on-prem or on site) that only large companies had the means to implement.

But with the emergence of cloud-based technology for businesses, the old-school on-premise system is seen by many as a thing of the past.

There’s a ton of different benefits that companies immediately see once implementing cloud communications, the first being cost-savings. Our ever-evolving technology world continues to make advancements in our communications platforms that allow all businesses (large and small) to use the cloud for communication. 

How so? Follow along as we dive into some of the most impactful benefits that small businesses experience as they switch to a cloud based phone system to compete with enterprise business. 

Not to mention, with so many of us working remotely now, cloud-based solutions are here to stay

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Your Small Business Can Compete With All The Others Through Cloud-based Communication

Often, we see many small businesses (SMBs) more willing to switch to a cloud-based phone system than larger enterprises. Why? Most large corporations already have on-premise phone systems in place that are working fine for them. It’s the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

The lack of willingness to change something that they don’t necessarily have problems seems more of a nuisance. However, this means that these larger businesses aren’t getting all the bells and whistles that the cloud can offer. 


Benefits Of The Cloud For Your SMB

1. Costs Savings For All: The great thing about using a cloud-based phone system is cutting back on costs. Imagine that! For small businesses, this is a total game-changer. 

In the past, your SMB may have made costly investments for the required technology and add-ons your employees needed for ultimate business communication, internally and externally.

But now, with the cloud, you have options. It’s much easier and more affordable to subscribe for a high-end and multifaceted cloud phone system for your business, through providers like RingCentral.

By the way, as you search for cloud-based partners, be sure to check out office technology providers, like AIS. Outsourcing your phone system to a communications services team is a great way to receive not only excellent products but unmatched customer service and support, too. 

Read more about it here, Top 10 Things You Need to Know About A Business Telecom Company

By the way, many features that your small business needs are typically included in most cloud-based plans, such as call forwarding, call screening, and auto-attendant services. This means that you can avoid extra add-on charges. 


2. Remote Work Options and Unity Between Employees: As I mentioned earlier, the switch we’ve all made from working at the office to working from our kitchen tables aren’t going anywhere. Luckily for us, cloud-based phone systems have been ahead of the game when it comes to the adaptation of remote workers. 

So, how does your small business remain competitive even if your entire office is based from home? Through a unified communication system.

Because cloud services are delivered over the internet, your employees have access to all company data that’s stored in your office phones—wherever they’re located. The only thing needed is an internet connection. 

This type of accessibility no longer limits your business to only hiring in-house employees and can open the doors to remote workers as well. This is a sign of the times, and if you aren’t keeping up, your competitors will. 


3. Collaboration Made Easy: Whether your employees are in-house or at their homes (or a mix of both), we have to continue to find easy and effective ways to collaborate. 

For small businesses that make the switch to cloud-based phone systems, collaboration is no longer an issue. Here are a few ways your employees can collaborate as well as with your customers: 

  • Inbound and outbound calls from any device (smartphone, desk phone, laptop, or tablet)
  • Hosting and joining an audio or video conference call from anywhere
  • A team collaboration tool, such as Microsoft Teams or Intermedia Unite
4. Brand Awareness Worldwide: Just because your business is small doesn’t mean you can’t reach people from around the nation or even the world. With increased internet access in places we’ve never had before, your company has the chance to make a more significant presence through a cloud communication platform.

A cloud phone system makes your business seem more prominent than already is. Now, we’re not saying you should mislead your customer-base. But, it’s powerful to promote your image and brand just like bigger corporations do. 

With an advanced cloud phone system, you can showcase a more professional image to your customers. 

For example, your mainline can automatically answer all incoming calls and route them to the correct department or extension. This eliminates an actual person answering the phone and manually transferring the call. Something that seems so small, like this, can make an impactful difference in how the public views your organization. 

Another great way to expand your brand is by having the right phone number, such as a toll-free or international number. Because these numbers are cloud-based, you don’t have to have physical desk phones around the US or even the globe. Instead, you’re extending your accessibility virtually. 


5. Your Technology Grows With You: One advantage of utilizing the cloud that many don’t think of is scalability. Your office phone system can grow with you and your employees based on your company’s growth or condition. 

If you’re adding new users (with new phone numbers and extensions), the implementation would only require a few easy steps. Companies that have a traditional phone system would need new and additional cabling to add new employees to their system… what a pain! 

On the contrary, if your company is scaling back or downsizing, the cloud makes it easy to accommodate those demands, too. Removing phone numbers, users, and extensions is a piece of cake.

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The Final Say: Cloud Communication Powers Your Small Business

Cloud communication is one of the best (and sometimes most underrated) ways your small business can stay ahead of the game. As we continue to adapt to new changes in our market, it’s critical to keep up with the times. 

There’s a lot more that a cloud-based phone system can do for your business besides the points we mentioned above. So, be sure to speak with your trusted phone system partner on the specific ways they can support your business needs. 

At AIS, we are dedicated to providing our customers and readers with office technology and communications solutions. We believe that equipping you with the right business tools supports all of your operations now and in the future. To learn more about cloud-based phone systems or any other products and services we offer, reach out to us. We’re here to give you peace of mind to help you win more business. 

John Taylor

As our Senior Technology Consultant, John Taylor has been in the business technology industry for over 20 years.