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How Your Office Copier Helps Your Company Succeed

May 9th, 2019 | 6 min. read

By Gary Harouff

How Your Office Copier Helps Your Company Succeed

Do you remember the last time you gave your office equipment a refresh, such as buying or leasing new office copiers or printers? If it took you some time to think of this answer, you’re probably long overdue for some new and updated equipment.

You might not know this, but your company could be lacking in certain areas because your office technology is literally, slowing you down. Do you feel like you spend more time than average troubleshooting that old office copier in the corner than you do actually using it? You’re not alone!

Most employees merely seem to put up with their office copier because they’re so used to doing so. Besides, they’d rather spend hours a week battling the copy machine as opposed to making that dreadful call to their copy machine repair company which never answers or has the time to fix it.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “This is me,” then you’ve certainly come to the right place. It probably seems like all your office copier ever does is jam or break. However, deciding to partner with an experienced and qualified copier repair company can bring your business and employees success.

We understand that choosing the right partner can be tricky. But, we’ve got you covered. Learn what you should be looking for in a copier repair company, and how a repair company can help grow your business.


Office Copier Repair Company And Your Business: What To Look For

Does it seem like every printer or copier business out there is always claiming they’re the best in town or have the best prices or services? Maybe they claim they have the best customer service and really take the time to listen to their customers.

Regardless of what a company says, they’ve got to have the facts to back up their claims. This is where your job comes in, as a knowledgeable expert. By knowing exactly what you’re looking for in a business, you’ll easily be able to weed out the companies that make false claims or can’t serve your business in the ways needed for success.


Want answers to the questions you’ve been asking? Read our article, Office Copier Repair: Answers To Your Top 5 Questions.


Better-than-average response times

How much time can your business afford to lose in the event that your office copier or MFP (multifunction printer) breaks down? If we could make an educated guess, we’d say your answer would be, “I can’t afford any downtime.”

Your business serves many customers each day, and any time you spend troubleshooting it yourself or trying to get ahold of someone to fix it is time wasted. In some cases, that could even mean money lost to competitors down the street.  

A great way an office copier repair company can help further the success of your business is by their quick response times when you need them the most. Finding a repair company who responds to your service calls in 2 hours or less is something that should stand out to you when shopping around. The average time it typically takes most companies to respond is 4 hours.

Unfortunately, response times are something that a company can bend the truth on when trying to get you as a customer. An easy way to ensure a company’s response times is by reading customer testimonials or reviews. If a current customer is displeased about a service call taking too much time to resolve, chances are they’ll write a review about it.


Learn more on the significance of response times by reading an article published by Forbes, Why Every Organization Needs A Standard Response Time Policy.


Accurate Invoicing and Account Managers

There’s nothing worse than receiving an inaccurate invoice or being charged too much for services or products. What’s even worse is not having trust in a company who continues to give you incorrect invoices, forcing you to spend your time double-checking their work.

For the continued growth of your business, it’s critical you choose a company who focuses on accurate invoicing. It’s your job to communicate and ask any company you’re considering, what their invoice accuracy is. Is it 95% or above? If not, ask them.

New call-to-action

Speaking of communication, have you ever heard of a finance account manager? A finance account manager is dedicated to assisting you, your business, and any finance questions you have within your account. Your finance account manager should work alongside your sales representative, helping manage your account by supporting you in the following areas:

  • Questions concerning invoices
  • Contract terms and conditions
  • Payment methods
  • Updating your contact information
  • Reporting meters


Having a representative who helps manage your invoices and payment questions that is also familiar with your account, enables you to save time and alleviates any invoicing frustrations.


One-call resolution

We talked a little earlier about the importance of quick response times, but we left out a part of the equation, which is a one-call resolution. As you aim to find a company that responds to you in less than two hours, you should also consider their ability to resolve your issue within one visit or phone call.

It’s a great thing if a company can make it to your location within two hours. But, it doesn’t do much good if they can’t solve your problem for you right then and there. Now, of course, there are always exceptions, especially when you’re dealing with technology. However, a company should be able to fix your office copier on their first visit to your office.

Think about all of the productivity you’d gain back knowing your business could be back up and running within two hours of something happening to your copier. How refreshing!

Certifiably Awesome

As you know, certain professionals, such as attorneys or doctors, must have proper certifications and credentials to practice what they do legally. Typically, these certifications come in the form of a degree or diploma and are usually showcased somewhere on the walls of the practice or office at which they work.

I don’t know about you, but seeing these certifications lets me know that these are credible professionals who are qualified to assist me and my needs. Even nail technicians have their certification hung next to their workstations for customers to see.

Ok, you probably see where I’m going with this. It’s really important to ask about the certifications not just the company has, but that the service technicians have. You wouldn’t want someone unqualified to “repair” your office printer or copier... we all know that would end up.

Copiers save businesses money and improve productivity. That's sexy. Free eBook.

If the copier repair company doesn’t have these certifications displayed somewhere in their building, it’s a good idea to ask. Technology is constantly changing. All credible copier repair technicians should continue to obtain new certifications and training each year, or even each time a new product hits the market.

There’s a whole lot more on the importance of your office copier repair company and your business goals that we haven’t even touched on. Learn more by reading our article, Choosing the Best Copier & Printer Service: 7 Must-Haves.

Technology can certainly make or break your company, and as a growing business, you wouldn’t want to ever lose money because your office copier goes down. Take some time, and do your research about the best copier repair companies near you. The more you know, the more qualified you’ll be in finding the best partner for your small business.


Visit our Office Copy Machine Ultimate Resource Page for additional info on pricing & costs, and just about anything else copy machine related.

The Printer & /Copier Ultimate Buyer's Guide FREE eBook

AIS takes pride in not just the services we provide for our customers, but the knowledge and resources we continue to share with our community. Whether you’re a customer of ours or not, we want you to be the most informed of any purchasing decision you make about your office technology. If you’re interested in learning more about office copier repair companies, or any other services we provide, reach out to one of our business technology consultants, here. Also, check out our video channel on YouTube, The Copier Channel. We’re here to give you peace of mind to help you win more business.

Gary Harouff

As President and founder of AIS, I am passionate about growing our business and serving our customers. I'm proud that we are considered one of the fastest-growing companies in America. We have been named by Office Dealer magazine as the elite dealer of the year and, most recently, by ENX Magazine as an elite dealer for 2023. Our partnership with Kyocera is strong, and we have been an elite dealer for them. We're also an authorized dealer of Xerox in their Document Technology Partner Program. Before founding AIS, I was President of Toshiba Business Solutions. I enjoy staying active, both physically and professionally. Charitable endeavors include The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Safe House, Christian Children’s Fund, and other faith-based charities.