The Definition of Print Management [In Under 100 Words]
August 29th, 2018

Print management combines all of the printers (desktop, laser, inkjet, etc.), and groups them together for analysis of operational efficiency and costs for a business. By assessing their volume, maintenance, repairs, and supplies costs, they can identify inefficiencies. This analysis can be done at little or no cost by an authorized dealer resulting in a cost-per-copy (CPC) contract, bundling together all costs into a single monthly fee based on volume. One of the advantages of print management and a CPC allows a business to pay this as an operating expense, instead of capitalizing all of the equipment.
Over the last 20+ years, Keven has had a passion in all areas of traditional and digital marketing. His main focus is how the consumer or decision makers see brands in order to develop successful programs to meet them on their turf. Prior to AIS, Keven has held senior marketing and communication posts in Financial Services, Technology, Communications, Biotech, and Lead Generation industries from start-ups to privately held and public companies. Today, he’s building a team to support the growth of AIS to become a leading brand in office technology. When not working, Keven can be found hacking his house, life, and those around him to make everything around him a better world. He volunteers his time as a Board Member for United States Diving and Ad Fontes Media.