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5 Signs Your Managed Services Provider (MSP) Isn’t Cutting It

April 29th, 2020 | 5 min. read

By Monique Phalen

Just by clicking on this article, you’ve probably already concluded that your managed services provider (MSP) isn’t cutting it. But, sometimes it’s hard to tell if they’re not doing a good job, or if you’re unfamiliar with the services and support they could be offering your business.

If you have any current technology issues and you are relying on an external company for IT support, now is the time to assess the situation.

How long do you have to wait for someone to return your call if you’re having computer problems? Are you paying for extra costs that you thought your contract covered? Do you have remote employees who are having trouble working from home

If you’ve been asking yourself any of these questions, you’ve certainly come to the right place. Remember, your partnership with your MSP is vital in how your business runs and grows. 

Without an experienced and helpful company by your side, your business could face tons of downtime and significant security breaches. 

Follow along as I explain five signs that give you a clear indication that your MSP isn’t giving you the technology services and support that your business deserves. 

Related: IT Help: When to Successfully Switch Managed IT Services Providers 

Your MSP Isn’t Cutting It: Learn The Signs

Times are a little crazy right now, and everything seems to be changing in the blink of an eye. Because of this, it’s even more important to feel confident in your MSP and the different measures they’re taking for your business, employees, and customers.

1. Slow or Non-Existent Response Times

The purpose of outsourcing your IT department is so that someone qualified and knowledgeable can assist your network’s issues as soon as a problem arises.

Even if it ’s not 24/7 support, more times than not, an IT help desk can fix your issues remotely, without even having to make a trip over to your location.

As a matter of fact, a great managed services provider can even identify a problem (and fix it) before you’re ever made aware of it. How nice!

Being proactive (instead of taking a reactive approach, or relying on a break-fix business model solution) helps decrease the amount of downtime you might face by eliminating the issues before it gets in the way of you doing your job.

2. Multiple Visits Until a Resolution

One of the most important aspects to consider when assessing your current MSP is making sure you’re provided with an information technology expert or team who are trained troubleshooters. 

A great managed services provider can assist you in purchasing the best technology devices, software, hardware, and tools for your business, based on your needs, the line of work, and your organizational and departmental goals.

The service provider you choose should be willing and able to reseat any software on some of your other technology devices, such as your copiers and phone systems.

Great service teams may also assist your technology issues through remote support or over the phone, saving you time and eliminating an on-site appointment.

3. A Lack of Business Continuity Plans or IT Roadmaps

What are your current and future plans for IT? Do you have any? An excellent managed IT services company should be offering you thought-leadership skills and ‘best practices’ recommendations for the future of your business.

Your MSP is there to help you formulate and execute long-term IT plans and strategies, that pertain to your business, employee, and customer needs. This way, you can focus on running your business and completing those everyday tasks that have to get done.

Just like any other department at your company, you have instilled long-term plans and expectations for each department to grow. Your IT department should be no different.

4. A Shortage of Security Updates and Data Backups

Network management and email security are continually shifting targets. Companies that don’t have enough resources to dedicate to a server and network cybersecurity and disaster recovery are even more at risk of a security breach.

Wouldn’t you feel better knowing there’s a system in place that continues to monitor all of your company’s personal and critical documents… even as you and your employees are working from home? 

Email security also comes in handy, helping block spam, phishing scams, malware, and other inappropriate email content before it takes over your network.

With the way technology is growing nowadays, it’s extremely valuable to have a robust security system in place that covers all of your office technology products and machines.

It’s better (and much easier) to prevent a security threat from happening as opposed to trying to get rid of it once your business is attacked.

It’s too late once a disaster or security breach is happening. In business today, protecting your data is right behind protecting the lives of your staff. A great managed services provider is designed to be the insurance policy of your data center.

5. Unable to Adjust To Changing Times/Measures

Everything is changing. When it comes to technology, we can never be too prepared for new developments and protocols. If your managed services provider isn’t adjusting to our “new normal” of remote work, then they just aren’t cutting it. 

An essential feature to look for in a managed IT services company is the detailed reporting of your office technology.

Detailed reporting allows you to see the applications and personnel taking up the majority of your network resources and the demand for each piece of technology your employees use daily.

Remote monitoring and management also provides insight into traffic bottlenecks and peak periods so that you can add more capacity when needed and prevent your employees from becoming frustrated. 

The more you know about how your network resources and how your employees use them, the easier it is for your business to grow.

The Final Say On Your Managed Services Provider

The partnership your business has with your managed services provider is pivotal for continuity. You deserve an MSP who understands your current technology pain points and is dedicated to finding solutions that work best for your entire organization. 

Make sure to set aside some time to asses if your current provider is giving you all of the services and support that you and your employees require. 

For more information on everything to do with your IT needs about finding a great Managed Services Provider, check out our Ultimate IT Resources Page

Monique Phalen

Mo is the resident IT go-to lady at AIS. She has traveled the world, run a marathon, is a self-proclaimed crossword champion, and can do ventriloquism. She has an uncanny memory ....down to the detail. She has completed 4 half marathons and hates running. In her free time, she likes to spend time with her 7 siblings and 20 nieces and nephews.