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Managed IT Services And Your Business Goals

September 17th, 2018 | 20 min. read

By Monique Phalen


When you think of Managed IT Services, do you think of your business goals and the future of your company? Do you think of productivity and performance standards of your employees? How about the safety of your confidential business documents and files?

First of all, if you haven’t been thinking about these things, now is an excellent time to do so. When it comes to managed IT services and how these can better your business, you might want to stop what you’re doing and consider this:


Managed IT services can significantly free up the time you waste on a day-to-day basis so you can focus on more pressing tasks,


Managed IT services can help you reach your business goals much sooner than you might be aware of,


Managed IT services can keep your important documents safe and secure, preventing cyber attacks from taking over your business,


You can save company dollars by hiring a managed IT service provider to service your technology needs.


It’s pretty remarkable what a great managed IT service company can do for your business, and we’re eager to give you the scoop on how managed IT goes hand-in-hand with your business reaching its goals.

If you’re currently in the process of finding a managed IT service provider and not sure how to choose the best for your company, read our article, How to Choose The Best Managed IT Service Provider.


We’ve mapped out some common and important business goals your business probably has in place and how to achieve them; simply by managed IT services.



Managed IT Services: What business goals are most important to you?



For many companies, it’s easy to lose hours out of your busy day by spending time on things that don’t specifically pertain to your specific job duties.

Something such as IT and network services can be one of these time-consuming tasks that you or your employees might not have the time to tackle but have to because of a lack of managed IT services.

Think about all that extra time you and your employees can gain just by designating an outside team of experts to take care of all of your technology needs! This is especially important when it comes to dealing with an IT issue or a problem that arises during or after business hours.

When your server goes down, who is responsible for fixing? If it’s you, aren’t you getting sick of it? Not only do you have other things you need to complete, but how are you sure you’re actually fixing the problem and not just masking it?

You’ll feel a lot better about the stability of your office technology if it’s in the hands of a qualified managed IT service company. Not only do they know what they’re doing, but most of the time, they’re able to prevent the problem from occurring again.

You’ll be surprised how many extra hours in the day you’ll gain (and the stress you’ll lose) by not being the caretaker of your company’s IT needs. Let someone else do the work—you’ve got more important things to work on!


It’s all about the Benjamins, right? Whether your business is a multi-location law firm, or a mom-and-pop food truck franchise, saving money and budgeting wisely should always be a main focus.

Paying specialized IT employees for in-house services might not be the best way to spend your money, and it might end up costing you less money to outsource your IT.

Depending on the specific managed IT services your business needs, you could get away with eliminating your IT department and using an outsourced managed IT services company.

A benefit of outsourcing a managed IT service company is that it’ll bring in a specialist (or team of specialists) entirely focused on your issues at hand.


Whereas a full-time employee would likely have a more general set of IT skills, only applied to a variety of situations, or less specific instances.

When a company outsources IT, it also doesn’t need to invest in the equipment or software necessary to do that particular job. A managed IT services company can either provide their own tools or include the cost of acquiring the equipment in their fee.

This method will cost less than if the company bought the equipment outright for each of their in-house IT employees. Don’t forget about the extra expenses of having in-house IT employees such as employee benefits.

Information Age published an article that breaks down the advantages and disadvantages of managed IT services you might like to read, In-house vs. Outsourced IT: What Makes The Most Business Sense?


The utilization of newer office technology might not be one of your top business goals, and you might not even be sure how this could be a business goal—so let us explain!

Let’s say one of your goals as a company is to create or grow your marketing department to help your sales team bring in more leads; which in turn, generates more revenue for your business.  

What kind of technology will you provide for your marketing department? It’ll be hard for the department to be successful if they’re using outdated technology that continually needs updating or “fixing.”

As an employer, it’s enticing to an employee when you have newer-age tools and features to help make that employee’s job easier, and more enjoyable to do.


Just like saving money, the network safety of your business should be at the very top of your list when it comes to current and future business goals.

We hate to say it, but just because you have an in-house IT department doesn’t mean your network is safe and secure from outside hackers and viruses. This also doesn’t mean your IT department will be able to fix your security issues if something were to happen outside of regular office hours.

Partnering with a managed IT service company means your IT systems and servers are monitored around the clock. Your managed IT service team receives messages and alerts as changes occur and can then immediately begin work on fixing an issue the second it happens.

When it comes to security, the sooner your managed IT service team learns about a cyber attack or security breach, the quicker your business can be back up and running.

Close monitoring helps to eliminate downtime you and your employees might face throughout your busy workdays.


Each employee at your company has a specialized job, and the tasks they do are based on their individualized job duties. You wouldn't expect your director of sales to also manage your product warehouse, would you?

Instead of piling multiple job duties onto one person who might not be qualified to manage your IT, supplementing a vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer, or Virtual CIO) may be a much more efficient route to take.

Your managed IT service provider can serve as your CIO or supplement an internal CIO/Head of IT. There are various levels of service that a managed IT service team can provide, from network monitoring and alerts that a company will then fix internally, to full-fledged monitoring and problem resolution.

Whether your business is large or small, managed IT can be provided in a bundle or a la carte services, making it easy for you and easy for your employees.


If you’re interested in learning more on how a tech leader, like a vCIO, can help your business reach its goals, read our article, What's a Virtual CIO (vCIO) — How Can it Benefit Your Business?


Mapping out your business goals is essential for growth, but it’s only the first step when looking at the big picture. Without proper knowledge on how to achieve these goals, the implementation of new processes could seem impossible.

Whether your business goals include managed IT services or not, it’s always a good idea to invest your time exploring all the resources out there that can further the growth and success of your company.

For more information on everything to do with Managed IT Services, check out our resource page here.

At AIS, we are more than just a technology company. We’re here to provide you with resources and information that will help your business grow to its fullest potential. We want to do the hard work for you and relieve some of your stress so that you can focus on your time on important business tasks. Was there something we didn’t answer that you’d like more information on? Contact one of our experienced business technology consultants, here. We’re here to give you peace of mind, to help you win more business.

When you think of Managed IT Services, do you think of your business goals and the future of your company? Do you think of productivity and performance standards of your employees? How about the safety of your confidential business documents and files?

First of all, if you haven’t been thinking about these things, now is an excellent time to do so. When it comes to managed IT services and how these can better your business, you might want to stop what you’re doing and consider this:

Managed IT services can significantly free up the time you waste on a day-to-day basis so you can focus on more pressing tasks,


Managed IT services can help you reach your business goals much sooner than you might be aware of,


Managed IT services can keep your important documents safe and secure, preventing cyber attacks from taking over your business,


You can save company dollars by hiring a managed IT service provider to service your technology needs.

It’s pretty remarkable what a great managed IT service company can do for your business, and we’re eager to give you the scoop on how managed IT goes hand-in-hand with your business reaching its goals.

If you’re currently in the process of finding a managed IT service provider and not sure how to choose the best for your company, read our article, How to Choose The Best Managed IT Service Provider.


We’ve mapped out some common and important business goals your business probably has in place and how to achieve them; simply by managed IT services.

Managed IT Services: What business goals are most important to you?

Business Goal #1: Having more time during the day for time-sensitive tasks

For many companies, it’s easy to lose hours out of your busy day by spending time on things that don’t specifically pertain to your specific job duties.

Something such as IT and network services can be one of these time-consuming tasks that you or your employees might not have the time to tackle but have to because of a lack of managed IT services.

Think about all that extra time you and your employees can gain just by designating an outside team of experts to take care of all of your technology needs! This is especially important when it comes to dealing with an IT issue or a problem that arises during or after business hours.


When your server goes down, who is responsible for fixing? If it’s you, aren’t you getting sick of it? Not only do you have other things you need to complete, but how are you sure you’re actually fixing the problem and not just masking it?

You’ll feel a lot better about the stability of your office technology if it’s in the hands of a qualified managed IT service company. Not only do they know what they’re doing, but most of the time, they’re able to prevent the problem from occurring again.

You’ll be surprised how many extra hours in the day you’ll gain (and the stress you’ll lose) by not being the caretaker of your company’s IT needs. Let someone else do the work—you’ve got more important things to work on!



Business Goal #2: Spending company dollars more wisely

It’s all about the Benjamins, right? Whether your business is a multi-location law firm, or a mom-and-pop food truck franchise, saving money and budgeting wisely should always be a main focus.

Paying specialized IT employees for in-house services might not be the best way to spend your money, and it might end up costing you less money to outsource your IT.

Depending on the specific managed IT services your business needs, you could get away with eliminating your IT department and using an outsourced managed IT services company.

A benefit of outsourcing a managed IT service company is that it’ll bring in a specialist (or team of specialists) entirely focused on your issues at hand.

Whereas a full-time employee would likely have a more general set of IT skills, only applied to a variety of situations, or less specific instances.

When a company outsources IT, it also doesn’t need to invest in the equipment or software necessary to do that particular job. A managed IT services company can either provide their own tools or include the cost of acquiring the equipment in their fee.

This method will cost less than if the company bought the equipment outright for each of their in-house IT employees. Don’t forget about the extra expenses of having in-house IT employees such as employee benefits.

Information Age published an article that breaks down the advantages and disadvantages of managed IT services you might like to read, In-house vs. Outsourced IT: What Makes The Most Business Sense?


Business Goal #3: Utilize more updated and newer-age technology

The utilization of newer office technology might not be one of your top business goals, and you might not even be sure how this could be a business goal—so let us explain!

Let’s say one of your goals as a company is to create or grow your marketing department to help your sales team bring in more leads; which in turn, generates more revenue for your business.  

What kind of technology will you provide for your marketing department? It’ll be hard for the department to be successful if they’re using outdated technology that continually needs updating or “fixing.”

As an employer, it’s enticing to an employee when you have newer-age tools and features to help make that employee’s job easier, and more enjoyable to do.


Business Goal #4: Closer system monitoring to increase security

Just like saving money, the network safety of your business should be at the very top of your list when it comes to current and future business goals.

We hate to say it, but just because you have an in-house IT department doesn’t mean your network is safe and secure from outside hackers and viruses. This also doesn’t mean your IT department will be able to fix your security issues if something were to happen outside of regular office hours.

Partnering with a managed IT service company means your IT systems and servers are monitored around the clock. Your managed IT service team receives messages and alerts as changes occur and can then immediately begin work on fixing an issue the second it happens.

When it comes to security, the sooner your managed IT service team learns about a cyber attack or security breach, the quicker your business can be back up and running.

Close monitoring helps to eliminate downtime you and your employees might face throughout your busy workdays.

Business Goal #5: Focusing on Employee Specialty

Each employee at your company has a specialized job, and the tasks they do are based on their individualized job duties. You wouldn't expect your director of sales to also manage your product warehouse, would you?

Instead of piling multiple job duties onto one person who might not be qualified to manage your IT, supplementing a vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer, or Virtual CIO) may be a much more efficient route to take.

Your managed IT service provider can serve as your CIO or supplement an internal CIO/Head of IT. There are various levels of service that a managed IT service team can provide, from network monitoring and alerts that a company will then fix internally, to full-fledged monitoring and problem resolution.

Whether your business is large or small, managed IT can be provided in a bundle or a la carte services, making it easy for you and easy for your employees.

If you’re interested in learning more on how a tech leader, like a vCIO, can help your business reach its goals, read our article, What's a Virtual CIO (vCIO) — How Can it Benefit Your Business?

Mapping out your business goals is essential for growth, but it’s only the first step when looking at the big picture. Without proper knowledge on how to achieve these goals, the implementation of new processes could seem impossible.

Whether your business goals include managed IT services or not, it’s always a good idea to invest your time exploring all the resources out there that can further the growth and success of your company.

For more information on everything to do with Managed IT Services, check out our resource page here.

At AIS, we are more than just a technology company. We’re here to provide you with resources and information that will help your business grow to its fullest potential. We want to do the hard work for you and relieve some of your stress so that you can focus on your time on important business tasks. Was there something we didn’t answer that you’d like more information on? Contact one of our experienced business technology consultants, here. We’re here to give you peace of mind, to help you win more business.


Monique Phalen

Mo is the resident IT go-to lady at AIS. She has traveled the world, run a marathon, is a self-proclaimed crossword champion, and can do ventriloquism. She has an uncanny memory ....down to the detail. She has completed 4 half marathons and hates running. In her free time, she likes to spend time with her 7 siblings and 20 nieces and nephews.