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What is Marketing-as-a-Service (MaaS) And Why You Need It

February 3rd, 2022 | 4 min. read

By Marissa Olson



The business environment is changing rapidly, and new technologies are emerging to impact how businesses operate. To keep up with these changes, you need to readjust your business model to ensure you remain competitive.

Changing your marketing model is an excellent way of enhancing your competitiveness and profitability. It gives your business greater visibility to drive more customers and revenue at a significantly lower cost—and may even give you a step up on the competition.

Your in-house marketing team may not have all the skills you need to meet the demands of modern-day marketing strategies. Besides, as you adapt to the new normal, budgetary constraints may hinder you from hiring top talent and procuring the latest marketing tools for a high return on investment (ROI).

This does not mean you can't leverage the best marketing models and solutions. You can transform your business-marketing model with outsourced marketing services for more cost-effective, state-of-the-art marketing solutions. Keep reading to know what is marketing as a service and why you need it.

What is Marketing as a Service? 

This responsive, customized marketing solution supports your marketing strategies by delivering value-based, on-demand marketing services. When partnering with a MaaS company, you get support from your provider for your marketing strategy development, implementation, and completion of your campaigns.

Marketing agencies assess your marketing model to determine existing gaps, such as inadequate staffing, redundant technology, or challenges in marketing skill sets in your in-house team. They then tailor solutions that fill those gaps to deliver marketing solutions in line with your business strategies and needs.

Your marketing service provider constitutes a team of experts who can implement your marketing strategy cost-effectively for higher returns. They begin by assessing your needs and performance in the market before developing a marketing plan that supports your business goals.

As an exceptional, modern-day solution, MaaS is gaining popularity for delivering high-impact marketing cost-effectively. With data-driven decision-making processes and strategies, your business adapts best marketing practices in the industry.

Outsourcing your marketing services also helps you leverage the latest technology that may be too costly for your business to purchase. The provider avails the technology at a discounted price, and you get to use what your business needs and scale up as your organization grows.

Using a marketing agency can drive continuous growth for you with long-term solutions. It also helps align your business to up-to-date marketing requirements.

Why You Need Marketing as a Service

Access to Superior Skills

Your marketing service provider may have more refined skills than your marketing team has. It may be expensive for your business to hire all the skilled marketing experts you need to execute effective campaigns. This also removes the need for frequent training for your marketing staff as the marketing company can fill the gaps in skills.

Marketing agencies work for different organizations in different sectors. This exposes them to challenges that help them perfect their skills. This ensures you get the best practices in marketing with faster results as they do not require familiarizing themselves with new tools as your in-house team may need.


You don't have to hire a marketing team throughout the year. Your service provider can come in when you have to help with a campaign and leave when activities reduce.
You can also pay for marketing tools you need to upgrade as your needs increase. This saves you money and ensures you have access to top-range marketing technology.

Learn more about scalability by reading this article, An Introduction to Marketing as a Service aka MaaS.

It is Cost-Effective

You save money when you scale up and down to avoid paying for services you do not need. You also save by accessing cost-effective tools.

When marketing service providers pay for tools in bulk, they enjoy huge discounts that they pass to customers by charging them a lower fee to access those marketing tools. 

In addition, you save by paying for only the components of the tools you need, as opposed to buying the entire tool and using only a portion of it.

More Accountability

Your marketing company is in business and wants to retain you as their client. They are likely to go out of their way to provide top-notch services to win your trust and safeguard their reputation.

This is unlike your in-house marketing team, which may lax on meeting their key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals.

Added Insights into Performance

You get regular progress reports from your marketing service provider. You can also get insights into where you stand in the industry since the marketing agency may have data on your competitors' performance as they may be doing more marketing research than your organization.

You can develop campaigns that give you a competitive edge over your competitors with that information.

Skills Transfer to Your In-House Team

As your internal marketing team works alongside the marketing service provider, they will pick best practices and use them even when the contract with the agency ends. This removes the need to pay hefty amounts to train your marketing employees. The marketing agency may also conduct structured training for your team as part of their contract.

Better Focus for Your Marketing Team

When you outsource marketing services, you leave your marketing workforce to focus on high-value tasks like ensuring brand consistency on all your products. This improves workflow and allows your employees to be more productive as they focus on core tasks.

Take the Next Step

If you are struggling with generating organic traffic through your website, developing and executing e-mail marketing campaigns, using written and video content marketing strategies, reach out to AIS. At AIS, we offer marketing services for businesses of all sizes and types.

Our marketing experts are available to consult with you about your business marketing needs and guide you on the best practices for the highest ROI. We offer expertise and access to state-of-the-art marketing solutions to keep you ahead of the pack with cost-effective strategies and technologies.

Don't stress and waste your energy, time, and money on marketing strategies that you can outsource. Let your marketing team focus on more productive responsibilities to take care of your marketing services. Call us today to learn how we can develop and implement for you effective marketing strategies for a higher ROI and competitive advantage. We’re here to give you peace of mind to help you win more business.

Marissa Olson

A true southerner from Atlanta, Georgia, Marissa has always had a strong passion for writing and storytelling. She moved out west in 2018 where she became an expert on all things business technology-related as the Content Producer at AIS. Coupled with her knowledge of SEO best practices, she's been integral in catapulting AIS to the digital forefront of the industry. In her free time, she enjoys sipping wine and hanging out with her rescue-dog, WIllow. Basically, she loves wine and dogs, but not whiny dogs.