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Best Phone System Features For SMBs in 2024

November 29th, 2023 | 7 min. read

By Marissa Olson

As we prepare for 2024, the demands for efficient and versatile phone systems have evolved. SMBs need advanced features to streamline communication, enhance productivity, and ensure seamless collaboration. 

In this article, we’re helping you look closer into each key feature, focusing on both innovation and practicality.

What’s Ahead For 2024? Your Business and Clear Communication

A new year sometimes brings new challenges and even fears for what’s to come for your business success. There’s a lot of pressure and expectations as we create our company’s plans and strategies and how to become a better organization than we were the previous year. 

Some of these thoughts have to do with office technology solutions for your business, and with that comes modern or digital phone systems. Is your company currently utilizing the best phone system solution? What cloud phone features are helping you increase productivity and efficiency with your customers? 

VoIP Integration: The Foundation of Modern Communication

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become the cornerstone of contemporary communication. In 2024, SMBs should increasingly adopt VoIP phone systems to leverage cost savings and enhanced flexibility. 

VoIP integrates voice and data, allowing businesses to make calls over the Internet, reducing traditional telephony costs. Look for a system that offers crystal-clear voice quality, scalability, and compatibility with other business applications.

Enhanced Voice Quality: Ensure your chosen VoIP system prioritizes voice quality. High-definition (HD) voice technology minimizes background noise and delivers clear, crisp communication, vital for maintaining professionalism and ensuring effective collaboration.

Scalability: Choose a VoIP system that grows with your business. Scalability is crucial, enabling you to add new lines and features and even integrate with other business tools seamlessly. This ensures your communication system remains adaptable to the evolving needs of your SMB.

Compatibility with Business Applications: Integration is key. A VoIP system that easily integrates with existing business applications like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools, project management platforms, and collaboration software enhances workflow efficiency.

Related Article: Is AIS The Right Fit For Your Phone System Needs?

Unified Communications: Breaking Down Silos

Unified Communications (UC) is a game-changer for SMBs seeking seamless collaboration. In 2024, integrated platforms that combine voice, video, messaging, and conferencing functionalities are gaining prominence. 

A unified system ensures that communication tools work together harmoniously, breaking down silos and fostering a more connected and productive work environment.

Collaborative Messaging: Look for UC systems that offer advanced messaging features. Real-time messaging, file sharing, and collaboration tools within the unified platform facilitate quick decision-making and enhance team productivity.

Video Conferencing: Beyond mere voice calls, video conferencing capabilities are essential for face-to-face communication in a virtual world. Ensure your UC system provides high-quality video, screen-sharing options, and the flexibility to host virtual meetings with ease.

Presence Management: Enhance communication efficiency with presence management features. Knowing the availability status of team members in real-time reduces delays in reaching out and fosters a more responsive and agile work environment.

Mobile Integration: Work Anytime, Anywhere

The shift towards remote and flexible work has accelerated, and SMBs need phone systems that support this trend. Mobile integration is no longer a luxury but a necessity. 

Ensure your phone system allows employees to make and receive calls on mobile devices, maintaining professional communication even outside the office. Look for features like mobile apps and softphone capabilities for added flexibility.

Mobile Apps for Seamless Connectivity: Choose a phone system dedicated to mobile apps. These apps should offer a user-friendly interface, ensuring employees can easily access essential features, contacts, and messages while on the go.

Softphone Capabilities: Softphones, virtual phone applications for computers and mobile devices, enable employees to make calls using the internet. Ensure your chosen phone system supports softphone capabilities, allowing for flexibility in work locations without compromising communication quality.

Call Handoff between Devices: Seamless transition between devices is essential. Your phone system should support call handoff, enabling employees to switch between their desk phone, mobile device, and computer without interrupting ongoing calls.

Advanced Call Routing: Efficiency at its Core

Efficient call routing is a fundamental feature that SMBs should prioritize. In 2024, advanced call routing goes beyond simply directing calls to the correct department

Look for intelligent routing options based on caller history, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) customization, and skills-based routing to ensure that calls are directed to the most qualified team member.

Intelligent IVR Customization: Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems are callers' first point of contact. Ensure your phone system allows for intelligent IVR customization, providing a personalized and efficient experience for callers by directing them to the correct department or representative.

Skills-Based Routing: Implementing skills-based routing ensures that calls are directed to team members with the most relevant expertise. This enhances customer satisfaction, reduces resolution times, and optimizes internal resources.

Call Analytics for Optimization: Utilize call analytics tools to gain insights into call routing efficiency. Data on call volumes, wait times, and resolution rates enables you to optimize your call routing strategy continuously for maximum effectiveness.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Telephony: Smart Automation

As AI continues to evolve, its integration into phone systems is becoming increasingly prevalent. AI-driven features like chatbots, virtual assistants, and automated call transcription enhance efficiency and customer experience. 

In 2024, SMBs should consider phone systems that leverage AI to automate repetitive tasks, provide data insights, and offer a more personalized customer interaction.

AI-Powered Chatbots: Implement chatbots to handle routine customer queries. AI-powered chatbots can provide instant responses, freeing up human resources for more complex tasks and improving overall customer service efficiency.

Virtual Assistants for Call Handling: Leverage virtual assistants to handle call routing and basic inquiries. AI-driven virtual assistants can enhance call efficiency, reduce wait times, and provide a more personalized experience for callers.

Automated Call Transcription: Save time and enhance record-keeping with automated call transcription. AI-driven transcription services can convert voice conversations into text, facilitating easy review, analysis, and documentation of important information.

Integration with CRM Systems: Customer-Centric Communication

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integration is a must-have feature for SMBs focused on delivering exceptional customer service. 

In 2024, phone systems that seamlessly integrate with CRM platforms empower businesses to access customer information during calls, personalize interactions, and streamline the sales and support processes. Choose a phone system that enhances your customer-centric approach.

Real-Time Customer Information: Integrate your phone system with CRM platforms to provide real-time access to customer information during calls. This ensures that your team is well-informed and can offer personalized and efficient service.

Automatic Call Logging: Streamline your sales and support processes by enabling automatic call logging in your CRM. This feature ensures that every customer interaction is documented, providing valuable insights for future engagements.

CRM Analytics for Performance Tracking: Utilize CRM analytics tools to track the performance of your customer interactions. Data on call durations, customer satisfaction ratings, and follow-up activities can inform strategic decisions and improve overall customer relationship management.

Scalability: Growing with Your Business

The ability to scale is a crucial consideration for SMBs, especially those experiencing growth. 

Choose a phone system that can effortlessly scale with your business needs, whether it's accommodating new employees, expanding to multiple locations, or integrating with additional software and services. 

Scalability ensures that your communication infrastructure remains agile and adaptable to changes in your business landscape.

Flexible User Licensing: Opt for phone systems with flexible user licensing options. This allows you to easily add or remove user licenses based on your business's changing needs, ensuring you only pay for the services you truly need.

Multi-Location Support: If your SMB operates in multiple locations, choose a phone system that offers seamless integration across various sites. This ensures consistent communication and collaboration, regardless of geographical distance.

Integration with Third-Party Applications: Scalability extends beyond user licenses. Ensure your phone system can integrate with third-party applications and services commonly used in your industry. This flexibility allows for a customized communication infrastructure that grows with your business.

Analytics and Reporting: Data-Driven Decision-Making

In 2024, data-driven decision-making will be at the forefront of business strategies. Phone systems with robust analytics and reporting features provide valuable insights into communication patterns, call volumes, and customer interactions. 

This data empowers SMBs to make informed decisions, optimize workflows, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Communication Patterns Analysis: Utilize analytics tools to analyze communication patterns within your organization. Insights into call durations, frequency, and peak times can inform resource allocation and scheduling for optimal efficiency.

Call Volume Trends: Track call volume trends to identify busy periods and anticipate staffing needs. This data-driven approach ensures that your team is adequately resourced to handle peak call times, minimizing customer wait times.

Customer Interaction Metrics: Evaluate customer interaction metrics to gauge customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. 

Metrics such as average call resolution time, customer feedback ratings, and repeat customer interactions provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your communication strategies.

The Final Say: Future-Proofing Your Communication Strategy for 2024

As SMBs navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business communication, investing in the right phone system features is paramount. In 2024, the convergence of VoIP, unified communications, mobile integration, AI, and security features will define the landscape of advanced phone systems. 

By prioritizing these features, SMBs can future-proof their communication strategies, ensuring they remain agile, efficient, and competitive in the years to come. Stay ahead of the curve by embracing the technological advancements that empower your business to communicate effectively in the digital age.

To learn more about phone system features and solutions for 2024, make sure to reach out to us today. We’re here to give you peace of mind to help you win more business.

Marissa Olson

A true southerner from Atlanta, Georgia, Marissa has always had a strong passion for writing and storytelling. She moved out west in 2018 where she became an expert on all things business technology-related as the Content Producer at AIS. Coupled with her knowledge of SEO best practices, she's been integral in catapulting AIS to the digital forefront of the industry. In her free time, she enjoys sipping wine and hanging out with her rescue-dog, WIllow. Basically, she loves wine and dogs, but not whiny dogs.